Exposure Photography I really enjoyed doing because it allowed me to take a photo that the eye cant portray due to the extended shutter speed, it also allowed me to test the technique out on many different mediums one main being car trail lights in which you will see inside my portfolio of Exposure photos but all in all I really enjoyed this technique because when I got a good photo it gave me the motivation to create a second, third and so on.
HDR photography is one of my favourite types of photography because it takes what is deemed as a normal photograph and gives it so much life and gives it so much affect that it is sometimes mistaken for not being a real photo as hopefully you can see in my portfolio of pictures. All in all though I really enjoyed using HDR because I have always been curious on how to do it and this project has given that very opportunity.
My last topic is Black and White photography or Monochrome, this type of photography I really like because it can change a photo massively It may not always suit a photo but when it is done right the affect is great, this type of photography can give a photo a real edgy feel and a slight eerie effect depending on what you are shooting but I've tested the effect on many other photos I've taken and for most of them the effect worked really well.
Rule of Thirds can be considered as a basic rule in photography but sometimes when you are taking a shot everything goes out of your mind and you shoot whatever you think looks good however from doing this topic I have realised that if you want to get a shot that looks good every time you need to consider the rule of thirds because there can be so much around you that can make a photo look so much more professional but you don't realise it.
Composition Editing
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