Social Issues: Depression
Depression isn't really a topic behind photography it is more of a broad statement however when we think about it we build a picture in our minds, a photograph which must have been somewhere. The word depressed is a common everyday word. People might say "I'm depressed" when in fact they mean "I'm fed up because I've had a row, or failed an exam, or lost my job", etc. These ups and downs of life are common and normal. Most people recover quite quickly. With true depression, you have a low mood and other symptoms each day for at least two weeks. Symptoms can also become severe enough to interfere with normal day-to-day activities. But to conclude both forms that I've just mentioned can be both very distressing especially with a person who cant control there feelings. With depression feelings are commonly known to be locked away from society and friends sometimes for attention but other times because you don't want anyone to know which ultimately causes a bigger emotional build up and can make the situation worse. The subject of depression can be quite touchy so I am going to carefully select my ideas around it and hopefully portray my photos in a way that give them a feel of emotion but also beauty and lastly I will also research into other artists that I believe can help influence my ideas around Depression and Social Issues.