Technical Introduction
Throughout this work i will be showing my journey that i will go on as i progress through the course, concluding with some outcomes, portfolio prints and a website of pictures, ultimately i am going to show my development in my skills and techniques that are required in photography. I will do this by producing pages that display a high level of literacy that have a range of qualities. Also i will be analysing in detail both my own work and the work of others such as photographers, artists and designers. Additionally i will present all the photographs i have created and show how they relate to the work that i am or will be studying. My first project will be food photography project, within this project i will be showing my improvement in analysing photos and conclusively showing my improvements in the photographs themselves as i will be taking a lot into concideration, for example: Framing, i will be taking my photos at different orientations and angles plus thinking about vectors and how my eyes can be drawn to a photograph opportunity. Once i finish this task i will then move onto editing the photos on Adobe Photoshop CS5 to make them look more professional. My second project will incolve myself looking at social issues, this means i will have to travel around Liverpool to find underprivileged areas and point out their social issues and deeply anaylse them in why it is a Social Issue. And lastly i will recieve my Exam.