Before I edited the photos colour I decided that I wanted to crop it so that I could get rid of any unwanted areas in the original shot which I believe would allow me to concentrate a lot more on the areas that I want when I go to increases the tone, brightness, saturation etc. To conclude though I ultimately cropped the photo because I wanted to improve the composition of the shot which I subsequently did because of my question of Composition.
Next I decided to edit the tone of the photo because I believed that the photo was lacking in colour so before going in more depth with the development of editing I decided to adjust the tone to a reasonable amount so that I could get the basics of a colour that I would like to make the photo and by adjusting the tone allowed me to do so in which I can now go into more depth with other editing skills so that I can really bring out the colours and create a HDR shot.

HDR Editing
My next topic for this exam question is HDR, this will require me to take a real quality photo creating an attachment within the photo and then editing the photo to a certain extent that questions the realism of the photo.

This photo I took in New York on my GCSE trip in which has come in very handy with this project. This is one of my favourite photographs that I took in New York and that is because I didn’t just want to create a photo like a typical holiday shot I had to think of different angles to take is at so I could catch as much as the photo as possible. And because of that I’d like to think that I’ve created a positive photo for the viewers.
Because of that this photograph therefore has a main focal which I believe to be the traffic light in the middle of the photo but it doesn’t just focus on that one elements as I just mentioned because there are little details that also stand out such as the contrasting buildings and the bright sky which gives a real connotation of beauty to the bright colours you can see.
The different colours within this picture makes the photo look more proficient than a rather naive photo that normally could be seen on a family holiday photo album. The use of the different colours creates just a little more effect that the eye wouldn’t see without editing which creates a very detailed effect.
Another aspect of this picture that I like is the fact that I’ve edited it so much that all the real colours are still within it but the real HDR effect has been done through the use of a Mobile App called Snapseed which allows you to really
exploit the photo with filters and over groovy effects that can make your photos miles better and so much ultra-modern like Alex Wise’s portfolio.