As I said my first step with editing will be to crop any unwanted area in the image so the image above shows the step I am taking when cropping my photo. By doing this it is allowing me to achieve a lot more room to improve because when you have a big photo you need to edit it to the needs of the overall photo so by cropping it and making it smaller like so it makes it a lot easier to contrast colours together and work on the flaws.
When I finished the first step of cropping I could then go on to edit the colour in the photo so my first step within that category was to adjust the tone which would allow me to brighten all the colours in the photo to my specific needs. This also helps me concentrate on point of the photo which isn’t captured to the best quality.
The last way I edited my photo was through Vibrance and Saturation, these two tools are the ones that start to bring colour back into the photo that have could have gone missing with the other editing techniques so above you can see how much I adjusted these two sliders.
Once I had used the tone adjustment tool I decided that I also wanted to edit the Brightness and contrast so that I could define the tones changes, the screenshot below shows how I much I adjusted the photos brightness and contrast and I believe I did it to such a straight that you could still tell it was a photo unlike when I create a HDR affect which really brings out the photos beauty.
Second Edit

This is another long exposure shot that I have planned to use with creating my final outcome, to take this photo I had to wait until 9 o’clock when I had to set my tripod and camera up on top of a bridge where I had a full view of the roads. The reason why I chose this place is because it has a lot of moving traffic in which I could get a lot of light-exposure via so I once again set my camera up on TV setting as this is the shutter speed setting that my camera works under which allows me to create the affect you see above. However I figured that I needed to make my photos more exciting because it’s all well and good being able to take long-exposure shots but sometimes they can be a bit mundane so
this why I decided to get a higher angle of the technique. I had an image in my head of how I wanted the shot to look like I just had to react it through my knowledge and imagination so I decided to shoot it when lots of oncoming traffic was approaching and set my shutter speed for 15 seconds which would allow the cars to travel far into the distance which would create a long stream on tail lights and front end car lights as you can see. The focal point on this photo is all the moving lights which once again is the whole point of long-exposure photography creating a focal point that really attracts the viewer’s eye through uniqueness but also because of the moving lights it has created tracks of lights along the floor where the light from the car has polluted which I think contrasts well with the lights that have been affected, which I wouldn’t of normally got if I was standing on the floor so taking the rule of thirds into consideration has created a different affect to my other photos so ultimately I could use this affect In my upcoming outcomes. I believe now that I have taken the rule of thirds further into consideration that I have created a new developed affect so that I one element of that photo that satisfies me because I can see new forms of light trails, I also like how the traffic lights show every colour because of the long-exposure has allowed it to catch each part of the traffic light stage which plays really well with the other trail movements. However on the other hand I have many flaws with this photo which I can get rid of through editing but I just want to point them out, the first is the sharpness of the light trails, unlike the other photo the lights in this one aren’t as profound so through editing I will be able to fix this and create a better picture. I also believe that they photo needs to be cropped because there is a lot of empty space in the photo that contrasts well but really doesn’t need to be there so when I begin to edit my photo this will be the first step in hopefully creating a better image to contribute to my final outcome.

The photo above is the end production from my Photoshop editing as you can see I’ve cropped the picture a fair amount and have now started adding more colour into it however Photoshop is limited to colour adjustments so I am now going to use Lightroom for the rest of this photo ‘s editing.
Once I finished the Hue section I then concentrated on the Saturation of the colours, I mainly concentrated on the colours that I believed needed to be slightly more boosted so that I could give the best effect possible.

To establish the colours more I figured that I had to do something to the Hue so I decided to increase them to their limits which really brings out the colours that are in the photo.
The last way I edited this o on Lightroom was through Luminance which can make a massive difference with a photo especially a long exposure shot so I decided to just increase little elements of the photo, so that I didn’t effect too much of the overall photo.
For this photo the editing procedures are now all finished. I believe I have edited the photo too how I wanted it to end up through manipulating all the flaws I mentioned when I analysed the original photo. I also mentioned that some light photography can become mundane however I believe that I have took that challenge on well through editing the colours in the sky and car lights down to the colour of the road or tarmac, this has allowed the photo to contrast really well together which Is what I am looking for with this project.