This photo is one of my favourites from Alyssa Monks work and portfolio. The photo is actually a painting so it has a lot of creativity about it and detail however if It was a photo you could argue that there is a reason behind the photo being taken so I have to think about the mis-en-scene and the meaning behind the photo, for example why is she standing behind what looks to be a steamed glass naked with what appears to be a frown, what message is the painting trying to convey?
What I’ve just mentioned ultimately means that this painting has a focal point which I believe is the woman who has been painted as when you look at the painting she is the first thing your eye gets drawn too which Is what I like about Monks work, however there are other parts to the painting that also stand out for instance the ‘fogginess’ that appears on the glass as it gives the photo an extra feel rather than it looking like a plain portrait if it never had the effect in place.
The womans facial expression tells a story too, what? I couldn’t possibly tell you but it adds an effect to the painting creating an atmosphere that Alyssa was most probably looking for. Also the features that it shows are very distinct as you can see to the left the red eyes as if she has been crying and a frown and then on top of that the steamed glass effect adds to its creating a gloomy feel and is what I want to do with my social issues photos therefore this is why I chose Alyssa as one of my artists because I like the feel her paintings create.
Another aspect of this painting that I like is the fact that the background is dark which signifies to me that backwards is past and it being dark and miserable whereas the front of the photo is bright which could mean hope and a bright future.
To conclude I really like Alyssa’s work because it has so much depth within all her paintings and I am now going to use her style to create some of my own photos because I believe by doing this I could produce many outcomes that give off the same effect Alyssa’s paintings do.
Alyssa Monks Photo Analysis
On this page i am going to analyse one of Alyssa Monks photo's which is my favourite out of her portfolio and collection.