Eerie Cathedral
This is my favourite photos not just from Ian Bramham’s portfolio but I could push to say all time. The photo is of the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool. The reason why I chose this photo is because it links into the Black and White section that I am going to link into Composition. The picture has been taken with a lot of creativity on mind. The photo has been taken portrait and slightly off centre which gives the photo some character.As like every photo I’ve analysed this photograph so the a main focal point of the photo in my opinion is the Cathedral however it doesn’t just focus on that one element another striking part of the photo is the shadow from the bollard which adds it real character to the photo.Another effect that is added into the photo is the black and white effect which has been edited into the photo which gives it an authentic feel. Also because the shot has been taken in the night which is signified by the lamp post which is lit up it attracts your eye towards the focal point because the night and the black and white effect contrast well together.This photograph gives me a modern feel and by this I mean that there is lots of detail within the photo from the pavement to the cathedral which I feel is really important when wanting to strike and impact with your photos. Another feel that this photograph gives me is pride since Liverpool is my home city so by having photographers come to take photographs of our famous landmarks gives me a real feel of pride.Another characteristic of this photo that I like is the amount of light and editing that is included in the photo because when making your photos black and white when editing them it is sometimes hard to get the right balance of colours which is due to the lighting so I believe Ian has succeeded in this which is why I want to use him in my project.To conclude, I’ve used many examples of black and white photos amongst my artist so I have come to conclusion that I want to try out some black and white editing on my photos myself, and by doing that I will be able to create a comparison between my work and Ian’s plus other artists that I have researched within this project.
Ian Bramham Photo Analysis
This page is of Ian Bramham's black and white photography and i have chose a photo to analyse that speaks a thousands words itself.