Simplistic Cuts
Clarence John Laughlin is well known in the photography industry for his imagination in the editing process as the photos to the left justify. Once again this photo is really related to Social Issues or Depression but I believe I will be able to create a photo with the same technique but in regards of depression and create a really effective photo.
With this photograph you could argue that it has many different focal points in which the original is probably affected by the different squares holding different proportions of the photo but the one that sticks out to me in this photo it the roof you see in the bottom right of the photo for the simplest reason of it being one of the first objects you see in the photo however there are once again other parts of this creation that could be a focal point like the moodiness in the sky or the building as they also play a big part to the photo.
The different squares that the photo is broken into gives the photo a real artistic affect which could bne ideal with social issues and especially depression because some things can be very hard to photograph and can create a lot of empathy and by using this method I think I will be able to carry on the empathy of the photo but putting it in a more creative artistic way which could fundamentally present the photograph in a better way.
Another aspect of this picture that I like is the fact that the photo looks like it has had chunks of it been taken away through the editing and movement of different parts of the photo which allows the viewer to judge it in different ways, for me I see the photo bolder because it is different to a shot that would be taken in the same way which is what I like about Laughlin’s Art.
In conclusion I believe Laughlin’s work is really broad and I believe can link in well with Social Issues and Depression because I feel that each little square that I create could tell a story just like what john has done with the photo to the left but ultimately the reason why I want to use John’s technique because I feel as if is something really different and could make a big difference in my work due to it being so creative and broad.
Clarence John Laughlin Photo Analysis
On this page i am going to analyse one of Clarence John Laughlin photo's which is my favourite out of his collection he has created.